Thursday, July 26, 2007


Ladies and Gentleman no para de llover en esta isla. Llueve dia si, dia tambien.

Os actualizo un poco de mi vida. Este lunes pasado, lunes 23 de julio tuve la presentacion de la tesis (no es la final solo una previa para practicar).
La verdad es que no estaba muy preocupado porque era explicar lo que llevo haciendo durante meses, asi que, no lo veia complicado al principio.

A la presentacion asistieron 3 personas de la company en la que la estoy haciendo FKI, Cameron Hage, director, Paul mi encargado, y uno del departamento de desarrolladores que no conozco.

La presentacion muy bien, 15 minutos presentando y 30 minutos de pregutas cuando en teoria eran no mas de 5. Why? Tuve suerte y me los lleve donde yo queria, cuando estaba presentando, lanze una pregunta y dije que la contestaria al final en el tiempo de preguntas.La jugada me salio perfecta, me los lleve a todos para la pregunta olvidandose de el resto de la presentacion. Jejeje,
"Cuando la teoria no funciona hay que irse a la practica" Universidad de la vida como decia un gran profesor que tuve.

Ayer nos invitaron a visitar Cambridge, y es donde pudimos ver como estan los rios. Estan al borde, madre mia que se nos desvordan y la hemos liao. Tenemos que sacar los kayak para venir a trabajar.
Cambridge una pasada. Ciudad con mucho encanto, Ciudad del amor, Ciudad de la felicidad donde el tiempo pasa y no sabes como ni por que.
Es increible.

Ahora escribiendo mi tesis y diciendole a los de la empresa que va a hacer mas cosas su p... m...e . Ahora es time to write.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Are we in summer??

This is the weather prediction for the next 10 days at cranfield. Si amigitos si. Aqui no llega el verano. Esta lloviendo dia si, dia tambien desde ya ni me acuerdo el tiempo.
It is quite depressing but the people want to live anyway.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mother. Pink Floyd

I can't stop to listen this amazing song, so I want to let you know my feelings.

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they'll like this song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Mother should I build the wall?
Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?
Mother am I really dying? (is it just a waste of time)

Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry.
Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true.
Mother's gonna put all her fears into you.
Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing.
She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing.
Mama will keep baby cozy and warm.
Ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby,
Of course mama'll help to build the wall.

Mother do you think she's good enough -- to me?
Mother do you think she's dangerous -- to me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Mother will she break my heart?

Hush now baby, baby dont you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.
Mama wont let anyone dirty get through.
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mama will always find out where you've been.
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.
Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby,
You'll always be baby to me.

Mother, did it need to be so high?

El control absoluto sobre las personas

Hello Folks!!
He leido este articulo en uno de los blogs que mas me gustan. Noticas Tic.
Bastante interesante. Como sera el futuro????

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Please Never Forget

I still remember the sensation that i felt in that moment. I was a child but I rembeber like it had happened yesterday.
I have seen this video and I haven't could I feel like crying.

Please never forget anything in your live because we have to learn about the things which alreday gone.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Redemtion Song. Bob Marley

Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil de book.

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
[Guitar break]
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil de book.
Won't you help to sing
Dese songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.